Thursday, September 27, 2007

Feelings About JAPN101

Since I am the type of person who has the least motivation to do blogs, AGAIN, I am going to talk about something boring. (last time I talked about learning tips :[ ) Before I get started, I just wanna clarify that my purpose of writing is definitely NOT judging any person, but simply expressing my own feeling about the class itself!

Before I decided to take this class, I've asked quite a lot of friends who had taken it. My friends told me that it would be almost impossible to get an "A" for this class. What I heard surprised me a little bit although I had already knew that 101 classes are not easy at U.Va.

Until now, I came to understand why my friends said that. Because this is 101 so we have lots of stuff to do. What's more, our teacher, Satoo-sensee is a really responsible and helpful person even though sometimes she seems to be pretty strict. On the other hand, I think it's a good thing because I could always learn a LOT from her class as long as I'd done all the work required. My Japanese friends, including my Japanese tutor in China said that my Japanese had improved a lot since I took the class, which made me a little proud of myself. ^^

Also, another thing that I was originally worried about was the people I am taking with in this class. But now I felt so lucky that everyone in my class is so awesome and nice! And I really enjoy having every class with them so far! Even after class, sometimes we would have lunch together or do skit practice together. I have a strong feeling that after a semester/year we will be really good friends! ようかた!^^

Just like what I've said, taking JAPN101 gives you a such a special and wonderful feeling because you are taking it with such a responsible teacher and such nice friends! These feelings can be my strongest reason to take the class and also my most wonderful experience to put into my mind.


Aznbabybop said...
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Aznbabybop said...

Sorri I wanted to add something so I deleted the earlier comment. I'm so happy you think I'm awesome and made my day. (Heee...hee...hee...) My feelings about the people in class are mutual. Well, byeee for now. I leave you with one word... KESHIGOMU.

ジュディ said...

i totally agree. this class is awesome. sensee is awesome and you are awesome too.

ill leave you with this one word too...keshigomu. lol.
sounds like some kind of our secret code. eih? haha

クイエン said...

It's cool how you want to work in Japan in the future :D I wish you a best of luck. がんばってね。
Keshigomu? What is that secret code? *is not in 11am section*